Redbubble holiday challenge - week two

Sometimes an idea you have doesn't translate to the page quite as you'd like it to... but that's ok

Mistletoe mishap by KarinaLawrence
Last week I had an idea for the week 2 holiday challenge, the above is what I ended up submitting. Sometimes I am really happy with the art I create, proud even. This week I feel like I didn't quite create what I wanted to in my mind.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the week, trying out new techniques and drawing new things.

As you can see by the penguin doodle on the left of this image... not every attempt is a good one! That's probably why I like practicing so much. It doesn't matter how bad a first attempt is, all that matters is that you keep trying. With that in mind I will be revisiting this idea in the future, trying to get the actual image I had in my head onto paper.

Karina_Lawrence on instagram

This little guy is the highlight of this project. I love how happy he looks. He is 100% what I had in my head when I started.

I tried a couple different designs... using watercolour in the ones below... not sure why, but I just didn't get that same happy feeling from him.

The main problem I have with the finished project is the reindeer. Do I hate the drawing? No. I just think he looks too realistic for what I wanted to create. Ironically it's my own fault I struggle to draw cartoon characters.

When I was a kid I loved drawing, but wanted every drawing to look super realistic. I hated when people said anything I drew looked cartoony, and practiced for hours, took lessons, until eventually I could draw really realistic animals... I guess this will just involve many more hours of practice until I can get it right.

Now don't get me wrong, I chose to make time for other stuff this last week. Stuff that mattered to me more. So I'm not too bummed about how this turned out. It could have been better, and eventually I'll get it right and update the image on my redbubble shop like this never existed... unless anyone convinces me otherwise!

The week 3 challenge is already up and running, and I must admit I already finished mine... you can get a sneak preview on my Redbubble store or my Instagram. I'll also be breaking down the full story behind the project in an upcoming blog post!


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